Laurel & Cedrela let us travel once again through the cloud forests of Nicaragua. These 2 regional blends bring together a mix of native and recently-introduced clones. Slow drying is standard in these humid communities. An additional interesting element is the carbon-neutral cocoa production by both centres adding to the environmental-friendly fingerprint. Cedrela has a deep dough-like flavour, hints of wet forest, cumin and liquorice and the chocolate has caramel body with must pudding and dry cranberry notes.
cookie, pomelo, spicy, tannins, woody, dates
laurel woody, whisky-barrel notes, soloton-like perfume, spiciness, chocolatey
Bean size
Well fermented
Semi fermented
18'; -
Roasting conditions
Varietal composition: Regional blend (16% lila; 4% white)
Pulp pre-conditioning: overnight in bags
Fermentation method: horizontal boxes
Pre-drying: 48h; 6 cm
Drying: 9 days on wooden tables
Producer: Microfinanciera Pueblos en Acción Comunitaria, Sociedad Anónima (PAC,S.A.)
Coordinates:13° 30' 42.99" N 85° 28' 03.00" W
Availability: ~25 MT/year
Contact: Néstor Rodriguez
Phone: +505 8854 8590