A classic Lachuá blend comes in harmony with newly introduced pre-fermentation practices. Icbolay is a very balanced complex cocoa; deeply chocolaty but with full wild cherry and pear flavor, herbal notes of fresh lemongrass, and tobacco earthiness giving a long-lasting experience. The bright citrusy flavors are more expressed in the chocolate.
bright, citrus, cherry wine, light grassy, creamy
chocolatey, wild cherry, pear, fresh lemongrass, tobacco earthiness
Bean size
Well fermented
Semi fermented
25'; -
Roasting conditions
Varietal composition: Regional blend (25% lila; 8% white)
Pulp pre-conditioning: overnight extended on perforated beds 10 cm
Fermentation method: horizontal boxes
Pre-drying: 24h; 10 cm
Drying: 7 days on wooden beds
Producer:Asosciacion de Desarrollo Integral Rocja Pomtila ASODIRP
Coordinates:15° 51' 48.39" N 90° 37' 01.99" W
Availability: ~12 MT/year